IARPT 2016 Annual Conference Update
Congregational Church
103 Pawnee Avenue
Manitou Springs, Colorado
June 13–16, 2016
Aesthetics and the Arts
A reminder: the deadline for proposals is March 1.
Here is a brief summary of some things you can look forward at the upcoming conference:
• Robert Corrington’s intellectual biography
• Robert Innis’s presentation: “Peirce and Dewey Think about Art: Engaging Examples”
• An illustrated presentation by Marjorie Suchocki on film
• Randy Auxier’s presentation on “Music, Process, and Person”
• A chance to view and discuss their paintings with two talented artists quite different in style: the “cool” art of Corey Drieth and the “hot” art of Floyd Tunson (with a visit to his studio)
• A visit to the Fine Arts Center in Colorado Springs featuring a lecture and discussion of their just opened exhibit, “All New Women,” which compares John Singer Sargent’s portraiture of women with Cindy Sherman’s self-portrait photographs
• The usual array of provocative papers by all of you. We already have interesting proposals on axiological theory, religious art, drama, and more.
We hope each of you is considering to submit a proposal to add to the festivities. While art and aesthetics are the focus of the conference, we also invite proposals on a broad range of topics that do not address these themes but are related to empiricism, naturalism, pragmatism, and process thought as articulated by IARPT’s mission statement. Proposals for panels are also encouraged.
A further reminder: proposals should contain a descriptive title and brief (no more than 500 words) but informative and readable description of the paper to be presented, with some indication of why the proposer considers the paper to be an important contribution. Proposals should also include a brief (150-word) biographical sketch of their author. All proposals should be sent in Word format to both Walter Gulick (wgulick@msubillings.edu) and Gary Slater (gslater@stedwards.edu). The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2016.
The Cliff House at Pikes Peak is now sold out for our dates and the Villa Inn had only 2 rooms left as of February 15. Our gracious local host (now living in Houston) Vaughn McTernan says there must be something else going on in town because rooms have never been so scarce before. So you are advised to secure your housing soon! There are a few rooms left at Comfort Inn Manitou Springs; call (719) 685-5455 and mention you are at the IARPT conference for the best rate. The Manitou Chamber of Commerce at 719 685-5089 has information about local housing options, and of course one can Google “Manitou Springs motels” and find what is available.
Registration for the conference remains at $130 with an extra $70 for a spouse or guest. The form for submitting payment is available on the IARPT web site. The conference cost includes a Tuesday banquet and Thursday dinner before the business meeting. The intellectual biography will begin at 7:00 pm, Monday, June 13, followed as usual by a reception to welcome all who can attend. If you fly into Colorado Springs and we have your arrival time, we will try to arrange for an airport pick-up. Those flying in to the more distant Denver airport will probably need to rent a car.